The New Project
This one could take a while and there is no telling how its going to turn out.
This one could take a while and there is no telling how its going to turn out.
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7:42 PM
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You're going into cat breeding?! Ohhhh, wait, maybe it's got something to do with what the cats are sitting on or near. Tell us, tell us!
DOH! Did a new furry friend adopt you? I came here first for all of your skills and insights with Victorian home restoration. Secondly, I have to admit that I stuck around to catch a glimpse of Mort and Sadie... and now well, I can see that I'm going to enjoy your "new project" immensely! (But do keep up the discussion about door hardware... I've learned TONS from you). Thanks for keeping me from doing any of my own work. I think that I'll have to revisit and re-read some 2005 entries now and procrastinate on my projects a bit more!!
Defeating a cat--even a laser-eyed Robocat like this one--isn't actually that hard. Start with wet food, then lean in for a belly rub and you're pretty much there.
Ha! Loved the comments.
He/She is a skiddish one. It showed up about 2 weeks ago and has been getting thinner by the day. I've fed it 3 days in a row now but have not been able to get within 15 feet of it. A fraction of a second after the flash on the camera popped for this photo it bolted over the fence.
I anticipate further work on the house accompanied with your witty banter and photos. When can I expect this magic to happen? ;)
I was wondering when a new cat was going to adopt you. He/She is very cute from what I can see. Good luck with the new comer and the house is looking great. Keep up the good work.
Central New Yorker
Yes, we all knew it was a matter of time...
It's on the list....
That is my stock comment for anyone who asks when a certain "project" will be completed. No telling how long this one will take. He/she does not seem to be in any hurry.
Good luck Greg! She/he looks like a cutie.
I "adopted" (kidnapped, more like it) a feral this spring who had been eating my outside cat's food, had him neutered and medicated and released him into my house. So far he and the other cats get along just fine and he is very curious about me and watches me very intently from his safe corner, but I can't get near him. It's just a matter of time. Fortunately he seems to be house-trained and litter trained.
Consider making the pass-through large enough that you can put your largest tray through it. You don't have a butler, and I can easily imagine that in reality you would load up a tray in the kitchen, then have it waiting in the butler's pantry. I also have a feeling that if you err on the small side, you will later wish it were bigger.
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