And Greg said,
Let there be heat: and there was heat. And Greg felt the heat, that it was good: and Greg divided the heated, upstairs part of the house from the coldness.

By the seventh week Greg had finished the work of cleaning out the attic, insulating, and installing the heating system; so on the seventh week he rested from all his work and watched football.
After rest and football, Greg will complete the downstairs heating project.
Hooray for heat!
Having heat is a good thing this time of year.
What a nice clean attic. We can barely see ours through all the insulation...
I spent a few weeks cleaning out the attic of hundreds of bricks and piles of lumber, along with a lot of junk. I also pulled up several of the planks on he floor so I could bring someone to blow in insulation under the floor. When the heating contractor came in I made sure they kept all of the duct work around the edges and/or off the floor.
That's all kinds of AWESOME!!
You mean that all these years you didn't have any heat?? And who stores bricks in an attic???
I had some heat here and there left over from the apartment days, but much of the house was an icebox during the winter. The bricks were from earthquake damaged chimneys. That was a lot of work to get them down two flights of stairs and in to the attic.
Nice clean installation - must feel weird having contractors come in and work on your baby?
It was not easy, but that is why I put in heat registers an cold air return myself.
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