Remember Pete…
"With great power, comes great responsibility."
That’s what Uncle Ben told Peter Parker on the night he died. If I could, that is what I will tell Barack Obama tonight.
Having said that, "Its a beautiful day!"
"With great power, comes great responsibility."
That’s what Uncle Ben told Peter Parker on the night he died. If I could, that is what I will tell Barack Obama tonight.
Having said that, "Its a beautiful day!"
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7:43 PM
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What a great sentiment, Greg! It's something I'm show #44 already understands. :-)
It IS a beautiful day!! Who knew you were a Spiderman fan? :)
So true. Let's hope he remembers it.
I like your blog, but can you please keep the politics out of it? I don't post my political views on my blog because I understand that not everyone shares my same views.
I'm glad you like the blog, and if you read the whole thing front to start you will find fewer than a half dozen entries dealing with politics, and most of those have come in the last few weeks.
This was a once-in-a-life-time election. It is the first time we've had a changed in leadership during war-time in 40 years. The first time the country was guaranteed to have either a woman or African American in the white house. The election takes place during the worst economic crisis this country has seen in 80 years. It was the longest election and the most costly in the countries history. It is the first time in modern times an incumbent President did not campaign for one single candidate during the election cycle.
To say this was "one for the record books" is an understatement. I’m a political animal. There is no way I could not comment on it.
Given all of that, the election is over and I'm pretty sure the political commentary is over as well. My intent has never been to insult or alienate anyone who enjoys this blog. Obviously I am not a Republican. Even so, I have good friends who are and I have nothing but respect for John McCain. I disagree with his policies greatly, but that doesn’t mean I think he is a bad person, unlike others who are currently in office {cough}.
It would have been physically impossible for me not to comment on this historic election. If anyone does not think it is a big deal, then you're not paying attention.
Not to mention the first female presidential candidate that gave everyone a run for their money! I didn't back her ideology, but I nevertheless respect her gumption and go-getedness.
I was a Dr. Paul supporter, but I ended up pulling the lever for Obama. It sounds like he's picking a pretty good staff, and that's half of the battle right there.
I agree. If you think about it, despite John McCain's "outsider" image with his party, the Republicans were at a huge disadvantage in this Presidential race. What that really means is that the race was really between a woman and an African American.
Hey Greg,
It's your blog -- do whatever you want with it! I thought your entry was very tasteful, given your creative license. It helps that I'm a fervent Obama supporter and huge fan of your blog.
I Googled to find you today (I usually read you linked on my Blackberry) and ended up watching your finished kitchen video again on YouTube (it's the second hit). Nice to see all of your hard work -- keep it up!
~Commenting from Obama's neighborhood, currently the center of the universe...
Boy. That city must just feel electrified right now. I would have loved to have been in Grant Park for that speech the other night.
I agree. I think he knows very well though. He strikes me as very smart and conscious.
What is the expression, disagree without being disagreeable? I like that one. :o)
Great to see all your progress. I am not on HB as often as in the past but I still check in!
Hey Jocelyn! Always good to hear from you. I'm lucky if I can blog once a week these days.
Remember the good ol' days when a lot of us first started house blogging? It was all new and exciting. It is still fun, but it is tough to keep up the pace.
I know. I don't know how I kept that up! It was very fun though and I am glad you and others are keeping on.
Ah, to have the president's ear. A couple months ago my neighbor called and asked if I could watch his kids while he went to a reception with Obama. Really. Duh, sure I'll watch your kids, but could you please tell the pres I voted for him because his platform reflected Tom Friedman's ideas, and to please get back to those? We all want to get a word in, but on that morning when i woke up I never would have thought I'd actually get my chance.
And clearly my message got through and has made a big difference. Er, well, I don't know...
The funniest thing is now he has a picture of his gorgeous wife planting a big smoochy kiss on Obama's cheek. It's a testament to her charisma that the ss did not take her down for it.
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