
Monday, June 18, 2012


That's what my fist thought was this morning as I was laying in bed. I imagined these hideous plum colored walls and thought I must have been insane to even consider that color for the walls in the parlor.

I quickly got dressed and ran down stairs to look at the paint chips again. I saw the Windy Blue and thought, "Ok, that's not too offensive. I can see that color on the walls."

Then at work today, seconds after I called in a sandwich order to the bakery, I thought to myself, "Blue!?!? Was I insane?". I raced home after picking up my lunch to look at the paint chips again. Once again, I thought, "It's really not that bad."

It's going to be a long couple of weeks until I paint. I need to get some samples on the walls.


Jan Marie said...

I tape paint chips to all the walls and then I can see how they look throughout the day as the light changes.

I also ask everyone who stops by which one they like the best. Ironically, it is always the same color. It's like people are drawn to the correct color.

Greg said...

That's a good idea.


Marilyn said...

Make sure whatever color you choose looks good with all the various colors in your fireplace tiles. You don't want them fighting.

Marilyn said...

I'm drawn to Color Strip 109, featuring 6761 Thermal Spring. It would look nice with the red of the woodwork and the aqua in the tiles. I think you need to lean towards greenish blues rather than reddish blues.
I also think you could come close to this color in a teal velvet for the curtains.

Karen Anne said...

I get a bunch of paint chips of the same color and put them up together. One itty chip is not big enough to really see the color.

Even so, the outside of my house is not the color I expected, thanks to the light :-)

Amanda said...

I do the same thing as Jan. I'll tape various paint samples to the wall so that I can see what they look like throughout the day. If there is a color I don't like at a certain time of day, down it goes. Eliminated. It helps to really narrow down the choices. When I get down to 2 or 3 colors, I'll ask my husband for his opinion. He doesn't like picking colors, so narrowing the choices down before bringing him into the selection process helps him not feel overwhelmed.

Greg said...

In the dining room I bought several samples in small tubes and painted them on the wall next to each other. Each square was les than a square foot.


Ragnar said...

Samples are the way to go! That's how my dad taught me to do it when I was a kid. He never bought coloured paint either (not for walls at least) but always white and mixed/tinted himself, so paint chips weren't an option anyway.

Greg said...

Man, I thought I was hardcore, but mixing your own paint colors? That takes it to a new level.


Ragnar said...

HEhe... back in the days when my dad started to do his own DIY projects he didn't even buy white paints in buckets. He bought "paint glue", clay powder and white pigment and made his own calcimine. That's hardcore!

Tinting your own paint is more common in Europe I think. In most countries it's uncommon to use oil or latex paint on walls (only on wood) and emulsion paints don't usually come in too many different colours. You can either have them mixed at the store (which is a rather recent thing) or mix them yourself. Tiny bottles of tinting paint are sold at every DIY store You'd just get white paint and start adding colour, either generously squirting or carefully measuring. Of course you can't really get past pastels like that. If you want richer colours you have to go with what the manufacturers offer and prior to in-store mixing that was maybe a list of 20 shades.

You really need to estimate correctly how much paint you're going to need if you mix your own though... or measure your mix carefully. My dad's pretty good at matching by eye though. I really like the amount of control you have when mixing your own paint.