
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My Plinths Are Floating

It kind of looks like all the walls in the kitchen are floating about an inch off the floor. When I removed my old floor I could just chisel it to the edges and then put up quarter round trim to hide and gap. The problem was the plinth blocks. It would look stupid to have quarter round in front of the plinth blocks. Besides they have a little detail to them so the quarter round wouldn't really work any way. The solution was to chisel and saw the old floor out from under the plinth blocks. True, I could have removed them, but there are 10 of them and they have been there for 110 years. The chances of getting them all off in one piece is slim to nil. So chisel and saw I did. I went ahead and took it out from under all the bead board so it now looks like the walls are floating above the floor.


Anonymous said...

We are doing the same thing in our kitchen and the plinth blocks come off intact quite easily with a pry bar (ours are only 80 years old). We are stripping the entire doorways, leaving the floor in- the problem is they are just crooked and it bugs me. Ours are simpler, just a rounded off corner on a 5/4" pine stock, so it doesn't matter too much if they get mutilated on the way off. Keep up the good work!

merideth said...

the crazy skewed alignment is always a joy with the old house...i can only imagine the mad things you find in a Vic...older than our spring chicken of a bungalow...